There are countless viewers that contact us for various reasons, asking for prayer, asking for more information about a program they just watched, requesting that a pastor please call, responding to offers of free literature, requesting the address of a church near them, and much much more. The following is a small sample of the wide variety of calls we get and relations that are developed through these calls...
AUGUST, 2022
Pastor of the Midvale Park Church informed us that 3 more Good News TV viewers have recently joined his church after completing Bible studies with him or his church leaders.
Many brand new viewers are finding our new Phoenix station and calling with very positive feedback.
Many long-time Phoenix viewers are also calling to thank us for the upgrades and improvements they are noticing on the new station, such as the much sharper image, the new children's channel and the new music and devotional channel.
MAY, 2022
Ken, a viewer in North Phoenix, describes his experience of watching Good News TV as a mourning process. At first he thought what he was hearing on the channel was simply not true since it was so different from what he had ever heard before. Then, when he realized it is all from the Bible, he became angry with the church he had grown up in for having not taught him and his family “lies” all of their lives. Now he is settling into the truth and although he is not yet a member he told someone at church yesterday that he fully considers himself an Adventist at heart, but just hasn’t finalized it yet. Ken has been attending various churches and has not yet settled on one yet. Perhaps there are GNTV viewers visiting your church and you just don’t realize it. Please warmly welcome all visitors and ask them how they learned of your church family. Regardless of where they are coming from, I hope they will find your church as their new church family.
Chuck, a Phoenix-area viewer, approached us last Sabbath at Glendale Church, introducing himself as the person who called in recently with a donation for the Phoenix TV station. He told us we had given him the address of the Glendale Church and another church, so he came and brought his roommate friend and his adult daughter with him! He said he really appreciated Pastor Venden’s message. Chuck’s roommate told us he is very loving and kind since he took him in when he was homeless and now brought him to church. We praise the Lord that He is reaching our viewers hearts and putting on their minds to reach out to others in need and come to church.
A viewer from Tucson called saying that she found us by flipping through the channels on her TV one day and stopping on Good News TV with the intent to watch "for just a few minutes". Now, she watches it "all the time" and it is her "Go-to channel" and her "Lifeline". When she heard that GNTV was fundraising to purchase its own station in Phoenix, she wanted to be part of the blessings. She called to ask the address in which to send a check. When the check came, we were astounded of the amount... $50,000! We also received an envelope in the mail from another viewer with $1 cash in it! We praise God for laying on the hearts of so many of our viewers and supporters to be part of this miracle of buying a Phoenix TV station!
Another viewer in Tucson tuned into the channel for the first time and immediately called for prayer, saying she felt all alone and didn’t want to live anymore. She was encouraged by God through our prayer with her. We connected her with the 24-hour Suicice Prevention hotline and we also called Pastor Simmons, who went to visit with and help her. She asked for the location of his church and started coming. Pastor Simmons reports that she has also joined the Women's Bible Study Group! While speaking with Pastor Simmons, he told us that another viewer and her husband were recently baptized, and that he is also studying with another GNTV viewer couple and their son and daughter in preparation for baptism!
A leader of the Wickenburg church informed us when we visited that he had been out of the Adventist Church for 15 years, and credits Good News TV with bringing him back. He is now a Sabbath School teacher and AV leader.
Tucson viewer, Pamela, called us, asking for free literature she saw promoted on Good News TV by an Adventist World Radio program, hosted by Cami Oetman. She told us that because she is deaf, she was using special equipment to communicate over the phone with us. She went on to say that she has been watching the channel a lot reading the scriptures presented frequently on the TV screen. She can tell that God is with our presenters, and she finds that the Holy Spirit is helping her to understand what is being taught! She called back again, asking for a church near her, and we were able to connect her with Tucson Fil-Am, where they have a ministry specifically to reach the hearing impaired.
Adam and Lynessa, 17 year old and 16 year old friends in Tucson, had desired to strengthen their relationship with God. Adam found GNTV, and the two of them started watching, learning a lot about Seventh-day Adventists and what the Bible teaches in many areas for the first time. They found the Midvale Park Church on their own about a year ago, started attending, and got involved with the Youth programs. Expressing interest in baptism, they started Bible studies with Pastor Gladstone, and were baptized. Many of their family members have been joining them for worship at Midvale Park for several months now.
One of our faithful supporters, Kate, excitedly shared with us today about her own recent experience. She is almost 80 years old, and donates monthly to Good News TV. She tells us she believes Good News TV is very effective at reaching Arizona for Jesus and helping finish the work. Since she can no longer go on a mission trip or go door-to-door herself, she wants to do all she can to help as many people as possible to be ready for Jesus soon return through her gifts to GNTV. Sometimes at the end of the month she has $25 or $50 left over from what she budgeted, which she transfers into her savings account. When she heard that Good News TV is stepping forward in faith to purchase their own TV station in Phoenix though, she prayed and committed to God that if anything is left over at the end of next month then she will donate it to the TV station project instead of putting it into savings. At the end of the month she was very surprised to find that she had a whopping $200 leftover to give toward the TV station purchase! She praised the Lord for this extra blessing, and so do we!
Tucson viewer, Dan, called telling us he found Good News TV over a year ago and started watching in earnest during the Pandemic because he didn't want to go out of the house much due to the virus. Throughout the conversation he kept thanking us for the channel, saying how much he has been blessed by what he is learning. He is now very convicted that the seventh-day Sabbath is important to the Lord, and so he has decided he wants to worship in one of our churches. He is considering coming this Sabbath. We praise the Lord, and ask that you please pray that God continue to guide and bless Dan and all of our viewers to understand and embrace the truths of God's Word!
During a visit to the Mesa Palms Church, the Good News TV team was honored to meet GNTV Phoenix viewer, Henry. Henry has watched Good News TV for years now. He supports the ministry financially, and calls regularly to share words of encouragement. On one occasion a few months ago he asked for the address of the Mesa Palms Church, which we shared with him but didn't realize the outcome until now. After the service Henry introduced himself, saying he recognized us from Good News TV. Our phone receptionist heard his voice and recognized it from the many phone chats they’ve had. He showed us his baptismal certificate, and we took a picture together.
MAY, 2021
Thomas, viewer from Mesa that is a former Anglican priest, who we shared about previously, now considers himself an Adventist. He recently told us that, "In all of my decades of religious training, which includes a Master of Divinity and Doctorate of Religious Education, I have never had better training than from the programming on Good News TV." He requested extra TV guides to give to people he meets daily, encouraging them to watch. He has connected with the Apache Junction Church, where he’s being nurtured by a former Assemblies of God pastor/evangelist, who joined the church, also through watching the channel. Thomas was baptized at Tempe Church on May 8.
MARCH, 2021
Randy, a viewer in Apache Junction, feels that the Lord is leading him to become a Seventh-day Adventist. He supports the station and has visited an open church 45 minutes from his home as the church close to him is currently closed. He said he used to watch TBN but then found Good News TV, and tells us, "I'll stay glued to your channel from now on... I realized that I had one foot in the world and have decided to get both feet in the kingdom. The Seventh-day Adventists have put me on my path, and I feel great about it". Randy was recently baptized and joined the church.
Michelle, a Mom from Yuma who watches our Kids Channel with her children, called with a donation saying, "I love the Kid's channel, my kids love singing to the 'Jesus songs'. The channel is such a beautiful blessing, especially in this time."
___, a viewer in Tucson, was baptized Jan 2 at Midvale Park Church. He originally called the station requesting help with his alcohol problem. We directed him to Midvale Park Church, where Pastor Gladstone and the church family nurtured and led him to Christ where he found victory to overcome. Midvale Park members and pastor are studying the Bible with at least another 5 viewers in preparation for baptism. Thank you Midvale Park Church!
Anthony, a viewer in Tucson, called saying he wants to find a "Good News TV Church" and be baptized "as soon as possible". He said with the pandemic going on he has spent more time watching the channel and has been learning more and more and wants to be a Seventh-day Adventist. He is now studying with a GNTV Ambassador and elder of the Tucson Sharon Church.
Garth, a viewer in Gilbert, especially liked the programs by Kenneth Cox. He called GNTV and was invited to Camelback Church, where he regularly came until Covid hit. He Zooms in weekly for the church prayer meetings and bible studies. He participated nightly in the PUC 10 Days of Prayer and publicly declared his gratitude to God for his new church family as our members came around him to pray for a family emergency.
Jupelia, a viewer in Mesa, is a retired pastor of another denomination. She reports that she has learned so much from the Adventists and wants her brother in Raleigh, NC, to hear our message. We were connected with pastors of two churches in that area, who are offering Bible studies and an upcoming Revelation Seminar near him. Jupelia expressed much gratitude to be able to direct her brother, who is new to the area, to a prophecy seminar and church family.
Julia, a viewer in Dewey-Humboldt, told us her Aunts watch and enjoy Good News TV, so they recommended she watch it. She tuned in to our Verde Valley station and watched a program by AWR's Cami Oetman on prophecy. She called in saying, "Please send me more information on how to avoid the Mark of the Beast". She is looking forward to receiving our mail-in Bible study guides.
Simone, a viewer in Phoenix, shared that she walked away from the SDA church for many years after marrying outside the faith. She has been watching Good News TV and has started to come back to the Lord. She requested free literature we are offering.
Donna, a viewer in Laveen, requested our free offer for a health magazine and said that she so much appreciates the music we air, which helps her relax, stating that, "We really need relaxing in these times!"
Gary, a viewer in Mesa, called with a donation saying, "I appreciate Good News TV. I get up at 5:00am to start watching it."
A viewer in Tucson called in desperation, requesting prayer and help for freedom from his alcohol addiction. GNTV connected him with a local pastor who is also studying with 3 other viewers. This viewer is now studying the Bible in preparation for baptism later this year and reports that he has not had a drop of alcohol for many weeks since connecting with the pastor and church family. His parents are also excited about the changes they have seen.
A viewer in Apache Junction, who calls herself a “backslidden Adventist” and is “remorseful for the many wasted years away from the Lord.” She found GNTV and is excited as never before by the faith she had turned away from. She requested a “Steps to Christ” for herself and told us she invited 8 friends, joining her now in her mobile home to watch a live evangelistic series broadcasting on the channel.
A viewer in Tempe recently reminded GNTV that 2 years ago, she had called for a free offer, a “Desire of Ages” book that was delivered by a volunteer. Since then, she continued watching and found a nurturing church family. She was baptized just weeks ago, saying that the channel has been instrumental in helping her on her journey back to God.
Ray (Tucson area) called GNTV to get help with his addiction to alcohol and requesting Bible studies. Pastor Simmons from Tucson Midvale contacted him immediately and began Bible studies. Ray is embracing what he is learning, and even began tithing. The Lord gave Ray victory over alcohol since calling and becoming involved with the Pastor and Tucson Midvale. His parents say they see a change in their son, and are now watching Good News TV too. Ray comes to prayer meeting when he can, but works on Sabbath. He has applied for another job to get Sabbaths off. Please pray for this.
Lucy (Peoria) told us "God and your channel has shocked me!" She is learning things she never knew as a devoted Catholic since a little girl. She told us that the priests in Poland where she grew up told her that she should not read the Bible because she would not understand it. She called to obtain information on a church near her. We found she lives 2 miles from Grace in the Desert, and someone from the church has since contacted her! She told us she wants to become a Seventh-day Adventist. She is praying about it and studying what she has learned in the Bible, but is getting pressure from her family. Please pray for her as she makes decisions for Christ.
Garth (Chandler area) called GNTV and says he watches Good News TV about 40 hours a week and sometimes up to 12 hours a day! We invited him to Camelback for worship since it is open. He has been coming every Sabbath, and also calls into our weekly Zoom prayer calls and Wednesday night Bible Study/Prayer Meeting. Garth has been publicly praising the Lord for his new church family that he feels a part of, and is requesting Bible studies. It is his prayer that his wife and kids will start coming too. Please pray for his family.
Carlos (Tucson area) is a lay-pastor of a small group home church of about 10 people meeting on Sundays. He has learned about the true Sabbath on Good News TV and desires to keep it for the Lord. He called requesting literature, excited to share with his home group that he hopes will agree to worship on Sabbath.
MAY, 2020
Martha (Yuma): We just released a video testimony of Martha’s story on our YouTube Channel. She shares that her husband died, and our channel helped her to find comfort she was not getting elsewhere, in learning what happens when you die. She has since been baptized and is part of our church family!
Rosie (Tucson): Called for free health magazine. She has been watching for over a year, believes that the Seventh-day Adventist church is the ‘remnant’, and is now looking for a church family and talking about baptism. She requested more literature and mail-in bible studies for her and her boyfriend. She lives just over a mile from an Adventist Church, and the local pastor visited her with a gift basket.
Mary (Flagstaff): Started watching 6 years ago, didn’t like it at first as she thought it was just another Christian channel. But, then she started watching a bit, which turned into several hours per day. She then started attending Flagstaff Church, and was baptized 18 months ago. She continues to watch, is legally blind seeing mostly shapes and colors. She is not able to get out much and is thankful for the channel.
Manuela (Apache Junction): Was told about GNTV by her neighbor, Diane, who found GNTV then started going to Apache Junction Church and was baptized one year ago. Manuela began watching and attending church with Diane, and was baptized just last February.
Shawn (Phoenix): Called for prayer from Central City Addiction Recovery Center. He was watching Good News TV in the common area, where there is a TV for the patients. He asked about our churches, and we invited him to worship with us after the churches open again from COVID-19.
Thomas (Apache Junction): Former Anglican priest, who was taught that the Seventh-day Adventist Church was a cult. He has been watching GNTV, and now knows that is not true. He is sharing information he has learned on the channel with others. He started donating monthly as the channel has been a blessing to him and is a comfort as he is not able physically to interface with other Christians and the programming really fills a need for him. He says, “I am so thankful for the channel”, sometimes not sleeping at night because he is interested in the programming so much that he stays up all night to watch. Thomas has health problems and doesn’t get out much, but has attended Apache Junction Church and recognized Pastor Ed Brothers there, from when they both attended a Pentecostal Church years ago. Pastor Ed is a former Assemblies of God pastor, who became a Seventh-day Adventist pastor through watching Good News TV. They spoke, and Pastor Ed has had a big impact on him. Thomas takes comfort in the Biblical state of dead teaching, telling us, "I am not afraid to die."
MARCH, 2020
Sharon, a viewer in Phoenix, who is impressed she needs help losing weight and getting more healthy, was watching one of our healthy cooking programs and called to ask if we have any cooking classes she can attend. We prayed together with her, sent her a free cookbook and directed her to Phoenix Central Church, who is hosting a cooking class this Sunday, which we are promoting on the channel. Sharon is thankful for our prayers, plans to attend the class, and believes the Lord is going to help her get healthy.
Walter, a viewer in Tucson, called for prayer for severe depression. He was watching GNTV from a halfway-house he was staying at. He watched GNTV in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep. He has been calling almost daily for a few weeks and he has been visited by Pastor Dwight Withers, and also in touch with a local layperson. In his last call he has said his spirits have been up since he started calling. Please pray for him.
The GNTV team visited Apache Junction Church a couple Sabbaths ago to share about the ministry. We were thankful to meet 3 new members, Richard, Dianne, and Manuela, that first came to the church through the ministry of GNTV.
Visit the Changed Lives Playlist on our YouTube Channel, at, and to see several stories of Good News TV viewers, both English and Spanish, that have been blessed by our ministry channels. Milagros and Lynda, the most recent stories you will find there, are just two of an uncountable number of viewers whose lives are being changed by our channels.
Whether you’re a prayer warrior for the ministry and our viewers, or you’re a supporter or both, we look to you as our partners in this ministry. We thank the Lord for all He has done to guide and provide for this ministry over it's first 11 years, and we also thank you for all you have done and continue to do to keep this ministry proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.
AUGUST, 2019
Tucson viewer, Marjorie, called asking for a tasty-looking veggie burger recipe she had seen on "Optimize 4 Life," a 3ABN program featuring our own Arizona health educators, Dick Nunez, member of the Camp Verde Church, and Jay and Chloe Sutliffe, members of the Flagstaff Church. Marjorie continued, "I loooove my GNTV! I love it, love it, love it! In fact, I'm not getting enough sleep because I keep GNTV on 24/7! I won't go back to cable because i don't need it." She also said she likes our kid's programs. We mentioned we hope to start a Kid's Channel. She got excited, saying that she plans on donating and hopes enough money is raised to start it so she will be able to tune in. We do too!
JUNE, 2019
Opal and Ann: Opal, a Prescott Valley viewer had been blessed by Good News TV Prescott station and was particularly interested in what the bible says about the Sabbath. One day, she told her good friend Ann about the channel and urged her to see if she could get the channel. Ann scanned her tv and found our Verde Valley Channel and started watching regularly, excited about what she was learning. Opal saw the address of the Prescott Church advertised on Good News TV and began attending as her health allowed. Ann attended with her and became very involved with small groups and bible study with Pastor Tony and church members who befriended, studied with and nurtured her into the faith. Ann was baptized May 16 and told us that she is so happy and excited about her life now. Opal, who witnessed the baptism was beaming and shared with us that she is so thankful for the blessing of Good News TV that she can watch at home even when her health keeps her at home.
APRIL, 2019
Anne, a viewer in Prescott, called to tell us that another GNTV viewer friend of hers told her to tune into Good NewsTV. "I have been watching ever since! I have been to other churches but this is the truth and now that I have learned a lot of truth, I want to join this church. I have started attending the Prescott Church."
Virginia, a viewer in Chino Valley, called to share the following with us: "I've been watching for about a year now. It wasn't until I came to Arizona that I heard the messages on Good News TV. Your programming is such a blessing to me! You are all wonderful people, and I feel like God is so much more real to me now. I have just come to find out from my cousin, that my grandparents raised were Seventh-day Adventist. I never knew that! I'm so excited to find out that my origins are Adventist."
Elaine, a viewer in Cordes Lakes, called our station saying, "Please send me your free offer of the Final Events DVD. I see the world differently because of your channel. Thank you that I have been able to learn the truth. Since watching, I started really digging into the Bible, I love Good News TV! I now attend the Dewey Humboldt Church. Please pray that I can reach my family with these truths."
Malcolm Douglas, Pastor of Tucson Midvale Park Church, recently had the privilege of baptizing two Good News TV viewers, Steve and Kimberla. Steve, who saw a program that impacted him greatly, had driven all the way from Tucson to Scottsdale to find out more about our broadcast and where he could find a church near his home. The staff there recommended that he check out the Tucson Midvale Park Church, so he started attending every week. Kimberla also started watching in Tucson. She began coming to church each week, attending Prayer meeting, joined the "New Believers” class, and started taking Bible studies. A church member shares that, "We are thankful Good News TV brought the attention of these people who wanted a difference in their lives to seek out more information and fellowship. We ask God's blessing in their lives and on GNTV."
Mike called us recently and shared that a couple years ago, while he was looking for a church, he saw the invitation on Good News TV to worship at any of our churches here in Arizona. He then called for more information, was given the location for the church nearest him, and started attending the Glendale Church. He shares that by God’s grace he was healed from affects of a stroke and he has also been delivered from addictions. He became serious in his relationship with the Lord, joining a weekly Bible study with the pastor of our fundamental beliefs, and was rebaptized this Fall. He is very happy in his new life, living for Jesus, and reading through the entire Bible for the first time in his life. After hearing the Glendale Sanctuary choir perform, he also shared with us that he doesn’t want to miss out on heaven!
Annie, who struggled with addiction, started watching GNTV shortly after we started broadcasting in Tucson. She would call us periodically to give a donation. The last time she called GNTV she shared that she had benefitted greatly from attending a live-in health session at Weimar, where she was also baptized into the faith!
Brett found GNTV “by accident” and started watching regularly. Within 2 weeks, he was convicted that he needed to join a church and was directed to Maranatha Church. He began mail-in Bible studies with Amazing Facts and went to church that next Sabbath… the first time he had set foot in a church in 35 years! After studying with Pastor Kennedy, he followed Christ in the waters of baptism. Brett is active in his church, and recently enjoyed being a deacon at the Arizona Conference Regional Ministries Convocation in Tucson. Brett started a ministry called “Waters of Life”, which distributes bottles of water and soul-saving literature such as Signs of the Times to the homeless in the hot summer of Tucson. This ministry has blossomed into handing out winter clothing during the winter. Brett tells people about Good News TV “All the time” and encourages them to watch. Brett tells us how thankful he is for the TV ministry and tells people about Good News TV “all the time”, encouraging them to tune in.
Bill found Good News TV in Yuma and then began attending church and studying with Pastor Boundey. He soon became active, baptized member, helping out regularly at the community center. The Lord has given him the health and ability to fix things. Now in his 80’s, he was on the roof of the community center doing repairs.
Martha, who became a widow at a young age, was anxious being uncertain of where her deceased husband was. She grew up hearing about purgatory and other non-Biblical teachings about death. One day she was flipping through TV channels when she stopped on a program on Good News TV. Pastor Doug was explaining what the Bible says about the topic. She found that this compelling message made sense, was based on the Bible, and gave her hope and peace for the first time. The next time she turned to the channel, the Sabbath message was being presented. She became convicted about this Bible teaching as well. She found the Yuma Central Church, continued studying and being nurtured by her pastor and church family, and is now an active member of the church.
Nancy, a school teacher, found Good News TV and began watching. The Holy Spirit continued to convict her of important Bible truths presented in the programming. After watching a message that posed the question, “How should we pick a church to be part of?” she seeked out the Yuma Central Church and continued to study along with her husband Loyd. They were baptized by Pastor Boundey and love their new church family, serving God as church greeters. Nancy also enjoys uses her God-given talents as teacher as a Pathfinder leader.
Viewers Coming to Church... Many viewers are coming to our churches. Renaldo, our Ambassador in Flagstaff, reports that there have been several viewers coming to the Flagstaff church, and he is studying the Bible with a few of them. Pastor Noe Ramirez recently baptized another viewer coming to his Esperanza Spanish church in Tucson. Pastor Ramirez tells us that he is studying with several more viewers. Our Ambassador, Pete, has been nurturing many viewers coming to the Yuma Central Church. Pastor Boundey of the Yuma Central Church, tells us that they have another new GNTV viewer coming to their church every couple of weeks.
Recent Prescott Baptisms… This story brought a couple exciting surprises!!! Susan received a call not long ago from Jane, a viewer in the Prescott area, who told her she is getting baptized. Susan then drove to Prescott church that Sabbath to witness Jane’s baptism. It turned out that there were 2 baptisms that Sabbath, and when the first lady, Karla, was sharing her story with the church, she explained that she actually started coming to the church because of the TV channel… of course that is Good News TV! So, Susan went to witness the baptism of one viewer, and it turned out she received a double blessing of 2 viewers baptized that morning.
Luke then shared the above exciting story with the Arizona pastors at their last meeting. He thanked Pastor Tony Jasper for his church nurturing these and other new believers. Pastor Tony then raised his hand, and shared, “Well, there were actually 3 Good News TV baptisms on that Sabbath. I baptized another viewer from my the Dewey Humboldt Church as well.” Praise the Lord!
Viewers Attending Camp Meeting… We were blessed to be able to interview 3 English and 1 Spanish viewers that came for the first time to Camp Meeting last June.Jimmy grew up in New York, was adopted, homeless for a time, and has a broken background. He found GNTV, and has become an active member of the Glendale Church. He came to AZ Sonshine as a patient, and got new teeth (dentures), so that, as he says, “I can take better care of my health by eating healthier.” He shared that, "I have always felt like an outsider." But, when he became Adventist and joined his new church family, he tearfully exclaims, "I have felt the love of a real family for the first time in my life!"
Patrick: Patrick, who lost 70 lbs watching our lifestyle programming and making some major changes in his life. He shared that, "I really appreciate that you teach from the Bible on Good News TV." He saw the crawl we run across the bottom of the screen, which was inviting him to come to the Glendale Church, so he came. He was baptized at Camp Meeting by Pastor Gary Venden. Patrick has been a volunteer for GNTV for several months now.
Lynda: As for Lynda, who has been attending the Prescott Church for a couple years and was baptized last December, wasted no time getting involved! She offered her skills as a hair stylists at AZ Sonshine this year, cutting about 59 people's hair for FREE in two days. She also shared some Amazing Facts study guides at her table, and made some connections with clients that she anticipates will be coming to church! She concluded her comments by sharing with everyone that, "This ministry really works. It has brought so many people to Christ, so please support it. Thank you !"APRIL, 2018
Mary in Phoenix first called GNTV way back in early 2014, wanting to attend one of our local churches and requesting Bible studies. Through the years she called for more information about local church events that she saw promoted on GNTV and connected with more church members. These included prophecy seminars, health classes, and a Breath of Life Revival weekend. Since then she continued to watch GNTV, take Bible studies, and attend local church services and events. Pastor Myles and her Phoenix Central Church family recently welcomed her as an official member of the church by Profession of Faith.
James, a Good News TV viewer of our Flagstaff channel, has begun to attend the Flagstaff church, and is taking Bible studies with our GNTV Ambassador, Reinaldo. Reinaldo reports, "The English and Spanish viewers who come to our church are passionate for the Word and Bible study." Franko, one of the other viewers attending Flagstaff Church, was baptized not long ago.
Welcome to Alexis, who watches GNTV Latino on our Tucson channel! Pastor Noe Ramirez had the pleasure of baptizing him at the Tucson Northwest Spanish Church two Sabbaths ago. Praise God! Pastor Ramirez reports that there will be more GNTV Latino viewer baptisms in his district coming up this month.
John, a viewer in Tucson, has been blessed by our channel, and was glad to find when he recently moved to Prescott, we are broadcasting there as well! At his request, we shared the address of the nearest Seventh-day Adventist church, and also invited him to Camp Meeting next month. He said, "I will be there for sure!"
Ron, a viewer watching our verde Valley station, channel 31.1, our newest station on Mingus Mtn, called. He lives in Prescott Valley, says he just found our channel this week and believes the Lord was in that. He called to find a church family, is familiar with where our Prescott Church is located, and will be coming for the first time this Sabbath (April 29).
Gary, also in Prescott Valley, is asking for many Bible study materials.
Jane, also from Prescott Valley, has been attending Prescott Church, and is studying with our Ambassadors there in preparation for baptism.
Brett from Tucson called for the first time to ask for a free offer, Desire Of Ages. He found our channel 14.4 about 6 months ago, and said he has had it on ever since. He told us he has been attending Maranatha Church and joined the church family.
Heidi from Marana, called requesting a free Bible study. She is also watching 14.4 in Tucson.